Building a Robot
Choose a difficulty level. Building a robot from scratch requires a significant amount of electronics knowledge and will likely be over the head of the standard 13-year-old, so your best choice will be to purchase a robotics kit from a hobby or department store. There are several levels of difficulty you can choose from depending on your and the child's electronics skills. You should examine the kits and see which level fits your expertise.
Prepare a work area. Robotics kits often have many small parts and wiring that can easily be lost if not put in a proper place. Create a work area on a large table. Keep the robotics pieces together on the left side, make the middle the work area, and on the the right side place any tools needed for the project.
Build the robot. Follow the instructions on the packaging to make sure everything is being done correctly. Some robotics kits may only need to be snapped together and others may require soldering. Let the teen share in the more difficult work to build up their confidence in building robotics.
Test the robot. Once the robot has been completed, test it out to make sure it works as it should. If not, go back to the instructions and double-check your connections. Don't be afraid to disassemble the robot and start over.