Set up your computer in an area that is not heavily traveled. You want to have as much control over ambient noise as possible, so that you can identify it in the recording. If you are using an external microphone, place it where you won&'t accidentally bump into it. Keep books and anything that might block sound away from the microphone.
Load your computer with software for recording. Many researchers use Adobe Audition for listening to EVPs, because it provides a way to change amplitude, volume and other things that might be hiding an EVP. As an alternative, Audacity is a free program that works just fine for EVP recording (see Resources).
Turn on the computer and pull up your chosen recording program. Do a test recording using your voice and play the recording back to make sure your levels are normal, like a spoken voice should sound.
Begin recording by pressing the program&'s record button on the screen. Wait a moment, then ask questions such as, "Is anyone here with me?" Leave time between questions, as some EVPs appear a few seconds following the end of a question. Pace your questions as if you were interviewing someone. Generally, EVP sessions last 10 to 15 minutes, although there is no set rule for time limits.