Things You'll Need
Map out the location for your deer plot. A 10-by-10-foot plot is the smallest acceptable size for growing corn. Decide on a size and plan how many corn seedlings you will need to plant your deer food plot. Keep in mind that corn requires a minimum of 4 inches between plants, with a minimum of 12 inches between rows. Four rows are ideal.
Break up the soil using a rotary tiller. Use a pitchfork for smaller food plots. Test the soil using a soil testing kit prior to planting. Corn prefers soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0. Soil types in Southwestern Pennsylvania vary, so you may need to amend if your soil does not meet the requirements.
Mix peat moss in with the broken soil if the soil testing kit reveals a pH above 7.0. Add lime if the pH of your soil is below 5.5. Follow the instructions on the packaging label for allocation amounts, depending on the type of Pennsylvanian soil with which you're dealing.
Plant the corn during the early spring, just after the final thaw. Dig holes for the corn seedlings, just large enough to accommodate their root balls. Remove the corn seedlings from their nursery containers and deposit one plant in each hole. Back fill the holes.
Broadcast white clover seeds over the food plot, covering every square inch. Overlapping is not a problem. Simply grab a handful of clover seeds and fan them out on the soil in front of you. Along with the corn, clover will provide a food source for the deer. The white clover will also act as living mulch that will deter unwanted weeds from growing within the deer food plot.
Water the deer food plot generously with a soaker hose after planting. The average yearly rainfall for Southwestern Pennsylvania is approximately 40 percent--not enough to sustain the deer food plot. Supplemental weekly waterings at a rate of 1 inch per week with the soaker hose will be necessary.