Things You'll Need
Take your child out to a wooded area (or the backyard) for a hike. During the hike, have your child look for the perfect stick. This stick should be approximately 12 inches long (it doesn't have to be exact) and about as thick as a thumb. It can be twisted, straight or curved. Your child should choose a stick that the fairy folk will be happy to bless with magic. Have them use their senses to pick the perfect stick. Does it smell right? Does it feel right? Can you hear it when you hold it up to your ear?
Bring the stick back home and gather all the supplies together, except the bowl and milk. This can wait until after you make the fairy wand since you don't want the milk to spoil before the fairies get to it. Lay all the supplies out on a flat surface like a table with everything in reach.
Rip off a long piece of aluminum foil. You may need 2 pieces depending on how long the stick is. Lay the stick at one end of the foil and begin rolling gently towards the other side while wrapping the foil around the stick. If there is any exposed areas of the stick use another piece of foil to cover it.
Gather the glittery string pieces in a long bunch then wrap and tie them to the end of the foiled stick. You should only have to tie one knot, which should leave many dangling strings at the end. For more security, you can dab some glue just beneath where you tied the string off and let it dry.
Walk back into the woods or backyard with the bowl of milk as well as the fairy wand. Find a tree with a large trunk. Fairies are known to enjoy many trees, including oaks, elk and hemlock, but any tree will do. Place the wand at the base of the tree and have your child leave the bowl of milk next to it.
Sit calmly near the tree with your child and concentrate on the fairy folk. Ask the fairies to bless the fairy wand with magic and offer the milk in the wooden bowl as an offering for this magic. This is best done with eyes closed as fairies don't really care to be seen. Once you have asked for the magic, leave the area. Wait approximately a half hour to retrieve the magic fairy wand.
Use the fairy magic wand to banish monsters that may lurk in closets and under beds. It can also be used to ward the home with fairy protection, banish bullies and grant wishes that may come from a child's imagination.