Select a white or light colored cup and place loose tea leaves of your choice in the bottom of the cup. Pour hot water over the leaves and allow it to steep. Don't used tea bags or a tea strainer for a reading as it will negatively affect the reading. Take a few deep breaths and quiet your thoughts, focusing on your future, as you drink the tea.
Relax your mind and drink the tea, leaving only a small amount in the bottom of the cup. Now hold the tea cup in your non-dominant hand, swirl the remaining liquid in the cup three times in a clockwise direction, and then turn the cup over into a saucer to drain the remaining tea. Pause for three breaths and then turn the cup back over to begin the reading.
Start with the rim of the cup and work downward in a clockwise direction until you reach the bottom. The rim refers to the present, the middle depth refers to the near future, and the bottom refers to the more distant future. The bottom center of the cup refers to the "outcome" of your question in a specific reading, and something important in the more distant future in a general reading.
Begin the reading at the rim near the handle and work your way down in a spiral. Each pattern or image you see will hold meaning for the reading. Write or draw each symbol or image and any thoughts or potential meanings for each symbol as you move downward in a spiral. If the cup has no handle, begin in a twelve o'clock position and work clockwise from there.
Interpret the symbols based on their intuitive, personal meanings for your life. Tea leaf reading relies on abstract pattern recognition connected to your subconscious, which means that whatever you see is what you are supposed to see. If you get stuck, look up possible symbol meanings in tasseomancy symbol lexicons. Compare more than one source to help you divulge any personal meaning for your reading.
Read animal pictures based on how you react to them. For example, if the image of a tiger conjures emotions of strength and tenacity, this is the most likely meaning for your reading. If it reminds you of a strong person in your life, than this could mean that you'll see this person soon. Tea leaf reading is entirely subjective, so use your best judgment above all else.
Take animal symbols and interpret their meaning based on traditional meanings associated with the animal you see if there is no immediate personal connection to your own experience. Birds typically refer to travel or news, cats refer to deceit, dogs to loyalty, and bears to difficult people or the attributes of courage and endurance. Look to mythology and folk tales as well as symbol lexicons to interpret animals in your reading.