Things You'll Need
Fold in the feet of Helios. Fold in the top small turret on Scraper and fold out the small connecting piece on Scraper's top left side. Fold out the small connecting piece on the top right side of Klawgor.
Push the connecting pieces of Scraper and Klawgor into the front of Helios, where the unit has two connecting holes. Klawgor goes on the left, and Scraper goes on the right.
Fold in all of Fencer's legs. Fold in the left arm of Spindle, and fold out the connector just below the arm. Fold in the right arm of Leefram and fold out the connector just below the arm. Push Leefram and Spindle's connectors into the back of Fencer, with Spindle on the right and Leefram on the left.
Close up Foxbat's back wings, and partially close his side wings so that they are not fully extended. Pull out the connector on the back of Foxbat.
Push Foxbat's connector into the back of Helios, and push Fencer's connector into the back of Foxbat. Your Maxus Helios is now complete.