Clip the trap door into the first floor panel in the center of the floor.
Snap the support walls to the bottom of the first floor. There will be about a 2-inch gap between the two pieces.
Attach the first floor to the first support on the elevator shaft piece.
Attach the small, U-shaped ledge to the back of the elevator shaft, near the top. There's a small rib the ledge will attach to.
Attach the four first-floor columns to the slots on the first floor of the station. These columns only fit in one direction, so flip them around if they don't immediately click into place. Do not force them or you will damage the pieces.
Snap the bridge piece onto the second floor panel. Attach this panel to the tops of the first-floor columns. There will be a gap between the second floor and the elevator shaft, which the bridge piece can slide out to span.
Connect the three columns for the second floor to the top of the second floor. They are dark gray and should tilt inward slightly. Again, the column pieces only fit in one direction, so do not force them if they don't click into place.
Hook the third floor onto the third-floor elevator position so that it connects to the ledge you placed earlier. Click the floor into place on the second-floor columns.
Attach the last two columns to the corners of the third floor. These columns only fit in one direction and are tilted inwardly. Do not force them, again, because broken parts probably can't be replaced.
Attach the roof to the top of the columns and the top of the elevator shaft.
Tear up the "trash" pieces provided, and drop them into the trash compactor unit with the trash monster piece. Slide the trash compactor under the first floor.
Hang the small double-loop of plastic on the hook located under the third floor.
Slide the two instrument panels into the slots on the first, second and third floors. The two panels should span the gap between the second and third floor, and the first and second floor.
Clip the laser cannon into place by the seat on the third floor.