Things You'll Need
Tell the child to close his eyes. Using a sponge, dab on white face paint to cover the eye area in a circle. Make the circle about two to three inches above and below the eye. (It doesn’t have to be perfect because the red will go over some of the white paint in the next step.)
Use a new sponge for the red face paint. Apply red paint to the entire face from the chin line to the forehead, excluding the eye. (Leave room for the eye area to be shaped as you like: circular, oval or in a teardrop shape like Spiderman's.)
Make a black asterisk on the face of Spiderman, using a medium brush and black paint. Start at the forehead. Make a straight line from the hairline down the bridge of the child's nose, ending at the bottom of her chin. Paint a horizontal line just under the eyes, then make an X to finish the asterisk.
Outline the eyes with black paint. Make the eyes of Spiderman round or teardrop-shaped. Since you already have a few lines drawn, it's easiest to enclose the eye area in a teardrop shape as shown in the picture.
Finish making the web design. In-between each of the straight lines of the asterisk, make arcs or half-moon lines to complete the Spiderman web on the face. Use your own judgment whether you would like to connect the ends of the lines or leave them unconnected.