Individual Tricks
Jump roping on a trampoline can be a challenge. Begin with simple jumps, circling the rope over your head and passing it under your feet as you jump. Once you get a rhythm, you can add more complicated tricks. Try a "front cross" by crossing your hands as the rope comes over your head, making it into a loop. Jump through the loop. A "double under" trick involves speed and dexterity. Jump high in the air and try to pass the jump rope under your feet twice before you land on the trampoline again. Want to get fancy? Go back to a single bounce, but when you land, kick one leg out in front of you. On the next jump, kick the opposite leg out. This is called the "front kick."
The Personal Challege
Jump rope tricks on the trampoline make for a good fitness challenge. Jumping over a long period of time can increase your endurance and is a great work out for your leg muscles, heart and lungs. If you are jumping alone, create individual competitions with the tricks. You can count how many single bounces you can do without tripping on the rope. As a variation on the "double under," try to bring the rope under your feet a third time on a single jump. This is nearly impossible to do on the ground, but the trampoline will give you extra air time. These extra challenges turn backyard fun into an entertaining fitness challenge.
Competitive Group Tricks
The traditional trampoline game, "Add On," can be played with a jump rope. This game involves ingenuity and a good memory. Everyone sits at the edge of the trampoline, with the first jumper in the center. This person must come up with a trick, such as a cross or kick. The next person must complete this trick successfully, before adding another trick. The third must do the first two tricks and then add a new one.
A Fun Group Trick
Out of breath? Take a break with a game called "Snake." One person stands on the ground at the edge of the trampoline, holding one end of the rope in his or her hand. This player should then moved the jump rope back and forth across the surface of the trampoline. Other players on the trampoline must hop over the rope to avoid touching it. If anyone touches the rope, he becomes the "snake" and must take the place at the edge of the trampoline.