Auto Pushover
One crazy trick for the RC helicopter is the auto pushover, according to RC Helicopter. For this trick, begin in an inverted auto and then push over into a landing that is tail-first. This crazy trick works if you make sure that you acquire the proper amount of forward speed while the RC helicopter is inverted. The key to this crazy trick is to begin high so that you can get the correct forward speed as well as timing.
Sudden Stop
The sudden stop crazy RC helicopter trick demands that you get the helicopter flying at a great speed through forward normal flight. You have to quickly pull back the elevator and then perform a quarter back flip until the helicopter is vertical, according to RC Helicopter. The helicopter will abruptly discontinue its brisk, forward motion when you punch a greater positive collective. The cyclic to collective timing is the secret to getting a sudden stop that is also dramatic.
Yet another crazy trick for an RC helicopter is the trick called the rainbow. In its most basic sense, the rainbow is nothing more than a sizable half flip, according to RC Helicopter, that holds the collective until the end of the RC helicopter's flip. The size of the rainbow flip is founded upon the variation between the amount of collective and cyclic factors in the helicopter's control. This crazy RC helicopter trick may be carried out sideways, backwards or even forwards.
Death Spiral
The death spiral begins with a lot of height in a hover that is stationary. Next, quarter-roll the helicopter to knife-edge and place the collective at zero degrees. When the helicopter starts falling, apply a backward or a forward cyclic. Note that the helicopter will be rotating about the axis in which it is falling. To exit from the death spiral, stop the backward or forward cyclic and quarter-roll again. The helicopter will make an inverted or a normal pullout based on the direction of the roll-out.