Things You'll Need
Peel off the bark of the wood piece. Make sure there's no green bark underneath.
Use the knife to cut a slit on each end of the piece of leather or cloth. The slits should be made up and down, not across, and just long enough for the tubing or rubber band to fit through. They should also be made 1/4 to 1/2 inch from the edges.
Run one end of the tubing through the slit on one end of the cloth and through the slit on the other end. Make sure the piece of cloth or leather sits in the middle of the tubing strip.
Place one of the tubing ends on the top of one Y end of the wood. Tightly wrap a small rubber band around the tubing and the wood, toward the top, until it can't be wrapped anymore. Repeat on the other side of the Y.
Test your slingshot. Make sure the tubing snaps quickly. If not, unwrap the rubber bands and cut a small amount of the tubing at one end. Rewrap the rubber bands and test it again.