Lay out all of the parts of the frame where you can see each one. Become familiar with the names of the parts, such as the leg base, vertical leg extension, top rail, and top rail with leg sockets.
Slide each vertical leg extension over the slip joint on each end of the leg base. This makes the support assemblies.
Use a helper to hold a support assembly while you insert one of the top rails with leg sockets into one end of one support assembly. Insert the other leg socket from the top rail into another support assembly. Continue to connect the support assemblies to each other with the top rails with leg sockets until the frame is completely free standing.
Find the joints on the top rails with leg sockets. Find the gap in between the top rails with leg sockets over the support assembly. Slide the top rail into the joints on each side of the gap. The top rails will fit in this gap to complete the frame structure.
Attach the spring to the V-ring and place the open spring hook into one of the frame holes. It doesn't matter where you start. Count 20 holes to the right and connect another V-ring to the rail. When you have made it all the way around, start counting every 10 holes, placing a spring until you have gone all the way around. Then, count every five holes for spring placement until all of the springs are attached to corresponding frame holes.
Attach the safety instruction placard to the top rail. Place the spring pad on top of the springs. Connect the nine attachment straps to the frame rail using the plastic strap buckles. Start at a designated 12 o'clock spot. Buckle the pad straps to the frame rail at 12 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions. Buckle the five remaining straps in a clockwise sequential fashion. Tighten the straps when the pad is positioned and equally tensioned. Different models may contain different types of straps and spring counts.