Things You'll Need
Clean a pump water gun using soap and water. Press the trigger to remove any excess soap left in the water gun from the firing chamber.
Select a hollow metal pipe slightly bigger in diameter than the ball pellets. Use a saw to cut the metal tube to approximately 8 inches in length.
Apply hot glue to the barrel of the pump water gun. Do not get glue over the opening where the water comes out. Affix the metal tube onto the barrel. Hold the tube firmly in place for a few seconds to allow the glue to bond.
Allow enough time for the glue to dry. Read the label on the glue to determine the allotted drying time.
Insert a ball-bearing pellet into the tube by dropping it in to load the pellet rifle.
Pump the water gun several times. It can take from five to 20 pumps, depending on the size of the gun, to propel the pellet. Aim the gun at the target and squeeze the trigger.