Pull small children around the neighborhood or in a park in the wagon. They will be able to sit up and see much more than if they were in a stroller. Most wagons will hold at least two tiny passengers. Make sure they are fastened in safely and an older brother or sister or parent can take them for a ride that they will really enjoy. Some of the newer models come with canopies, seats and seat belts for more comfort and safety. One model is equipped with a removable infant seat.
Haul heavy items from place to place with the Radio Flyer. If a child is building a fort or tree house in the back yard, he can use the wagon to transport the materials to the building site. If he is making a rock garden, he can use it to move the stones easily and quickly.
Ignite the child's imagination with the many roles a Radio Flyer can take. A covered wagon, a go-cart, a sports car or a boat -- there are many forms that the red wagon can take on in a child's mind. A gift of a red wagon to any youngster will make memories that will last a lifetime.
Store toys inside the wagon when it is not in use. The child will be able to take the toys to whatever location he desires, either inside or outside, easily, safely and all in one trip. Putting toys away will be a snap.
Keep the wagon long after the child outgrows it. It can be used as a special planter for flowers, herbs and vegetables; it will be fun and educational to watch the seedlings sprout and grow. Leaving the plants in the wagon will give the child the extra advantage of being able to move the pots easily in bad weather or if they are not getting enough sunlight.