Things You'll Need
Clean the tire with a water hose and mild detergents to remove any dirt and grime. This will ensure dirt and grease will not transfer to clothing or hands when used for swinging. Find a sturdy tree branch that extends away from the trunk. Do not use dead tree branches to secure the swing rope.
Put the baseball or tennis ball inside the sock. Tie the open end of the sock to one end of the rope.
Throw the rope over the tree branch, using the end that has the ball and sock attached. Even out the rope and tie a slipknot on one end of the rope.
Take off the sock that contains the tennis ball or baseball. Run the other end of the rope into the loop portion of the slipknot and pull the rope to secure the knot to the tree branch.
Tie a square knot to the tire, using the two unequal lengths of rope. Adjust the tire height to ensure enough clearance between the tire and ground before finalizing the knot.
Test the swing with a heavy person. Excessive flexing will indicate an inadequate tree branch.