Things You'll Need
Pour a solution of one part liquid castile soap and four parts water into the plastic container. Castile soap is olive-oil based and can be found at most health food stores and in the organic section at grocery stores.
Add 1/2 teaspoon of glycerin, found in most drugstores, to the mixture. Glycerin is usually absent from commercial soaps, but it will give the bubbles longer life. Glycerin bonds with water to delay bubble dehydration, or bursting. Glycerin is non-toxic when diluted in water.
Put the lid or cap on the plastic container and shake until completely mixed. Use a reusable plastic container and designate it for making soap bubbles. Pour the soap mixture into the shallow pan.
Unbend the wire coat hanger so that it is round. Bend the hook so that it is also round, then wrap the hook in duct tape. This will keep the hook from poking the user.
Dip the large, round end of the wire hanger into the pan of soap solution while holding the duct-taped hook, making sure the rounded end is completely submerged. Pull the wire hanger out and wave gently through the air to release the bubbles.