Things You'll Need
Cut one 35-inch square and four rectangles 35- by 30-inches from the canvas (for a 29-inch tall table. Cut the rectangles one inch taller than the table height).
Use the measuring tape and tailor's chalk to create a rectangle as a doorway 23 1/2 inches tall and 20 inches across, centered. Cut along each 23 1/2-inch side, leaving the top of the doorway uncut, making a flap. Cut windows as desired on the other three walls, leaving the tops uncut to make flaps.
Pin binding tape on the raw edges of the doorway, and along the three sides of the door. Sew in place. Repeat around the window frames and the window flaps.
Attach 12 inches of binding tape on the inside and the outside of the doorway and each window frame, about 3 inches from the top of each flap. These are the ties that will keep the flaps open. Roll the flap from the bottom, and tie the binding tape strips together around it.
Press a 1/4-inch hem on the bottom of each wall, then repeat for a second 1/4-inch hem. Sew each double-folded hem.
The 35-inch square is the roof of the cubby house. Sew the top of each wall to one side of the roof with a 1/4-inch seam, right sides facing. Sew a second 1/4-inch seam with the wrong sides facing.
Sew the wall seams the same way, first with the right sides facing and then with the right sides facing, with 1/4-inch seams.
Place the fabric structure over the table.