Grasp the handle of the sling shot tightly with your less dominant hand. If you are using a purchased sling shot that comes with a wrist hold, put your arm up and through the wrist hold so that it rests comfortably across the top of your forearm (while you grasp the sling shot's handle).
Place your ammunition into the pouch of the sling shot and grip the underside of the pouch with the index finger and thumb of your dominant hand. When aiming the sling shot, make sure your forearm and wrist form a 90 degree angle. For best results, the sling shot should not be bent forwards or backwards.
Pull the pouch straight back as far as possible and aim it at the intended target, so that the pouch and the target form a straight line. The further the pouch is pulled back, the better control and distance you'll get from the ammunition.
Release your index finger and thumb from the pouch at the same time to release the sling shot and hurl the ammunition at your target. It is important to release both fingers simultaneously to ensure that the projectile goes in a straight line.
Keep practicing how to hit your target with a sling shot, by following the above steps. Sling shots differ in their construction and design, and it takes practice to get a feel for how your sling shot operates. Becoming comfortable with your sling shot is the best way to learn how to hit your targets with accuracy.