Think about where on your snowman's body her arms go. If you built your snowman out of three balls, the arms come out of the center ball. If you made your snowman by shaping a mound of snow and adding on a ball on top for the head, her arms should come out about half way up the bottom mound of snow.
Determine what you want the snowman's arms to be doing. If sticking straight out at his sides works, sticks for your arms might be the best bet. Using sticks is the easiest way to make snowman arms. If you want the snowman to be holding a snow baby, down by his side, or doing something else, you might want to build your arms from snow.
Form arms for your snowman by building on extra snow in the spots where you want the arms attached. Keep adding snow and shaping the arms until you have them the way you want them. Smooth out the surface of your snowman's arms, and pack the snow tight, just as you did when making her body.
Look for two sticks around the same size if you want to make your snowman arms that way. Choose sticks that are not too dry and brittle so they do not break when you push them through the surface of your snowman.
Dress your snowman first if you are putting a shirt, jacket or vest on him, and are using stick arms. The stick arms get inserted through the sleeves after the snowman is dressed.
Hold the stick firmly in your hand, close to the end that you are inserting into the snowman. Gently push the stick into the snowman. Add more snow around the stick to hold it in place if necessary. Add the second arm, on the opposite side, the same way.