Bookmark This site finds online sales of Barbies and accessories by year to help you find the exact item you are looking for. Check a few days a week to see if any tea party sets from the '60s are listed. To do this, click on the white year on the left of the screen and then select the item. The Garden Tea Party Barbie Set for example, is listed under 1963-1964.
Scroll to the bottom to the page and you will see a list of all the items listed on eBay that reflect that vintage item. Click on the view all items at the bottom of the eBay list and your will be redirected to eBay.
Create an account with eBay if you do not already have one and place a bid or make your purchase from the "Buy it Now" option. The "Buy it Now" options are usually more expensive but you have to pay close attention to the bid, as the price will get higher as the closing gets closer.
Bookmark vintage toy sites as well like Oliver's Timeless Toys and TimeWarp Vintage Toys. These sites have their own sellers so they won't just pull from eBay. Select 1960s toys and scroll through what is available to see if your item is listed. Since these sites change frequently, check them often to see if your item is available.
Sign up for a Craigslist account in your area. Individual sellers can post their vintage items for sale for you to buy and you may find what you are looking for. Typically, items sold this way must be picked up but at the seller's consent some items can be shipped.
Call and leave your name and number with the local pawn and consignment shops. Let them know what you are looking for and ask them to call you if any pass through their doors. Be as specific as possible. For example, don't say tea party set, say 1964 Barbie Garden Tea Set 6. This allows you to search multiple used item stores without having to visit them all several times a week.
Consider placing an ad in the paper, in a local magazine, or in an online avenue like Craigslist to advertise your interest in collecting a tea party set.