Things You'll Need
Decide on the style or theme which you want your Barbie to have. Possible themes include: holiday Barbies, different clique Barbies (such as a nerd, jock or goth), or replicas of people (such as yourself or a celebrity).
Find a Barbie that most closely resembles what your end result will be to minimize work. You can look in thrift stores, toy stores or online for the best deals and hard-to-find items.
Have some accessories available such as shoes, jewelry, miscellaneous clothes or even craft supplies. To minimize assembly, already-made doll clothes work well. You can also sew together pieces of fabric or pin the clothes on or directly to the Barbie.
Design the hair by cutting and styling to the desired effect. It is possible to dye Barbie's hair with food coloring, Kool-Aid or even Jello, but you should probably experiment with this on other Barbies to be sure of the outcome.
Do makeup, tattoos or change features with permanent markers. Be sure to let the area dry to prevent smudging. You can remove features with nail polish remover and Q-tips. This way you can redraw the features. Also, as an alternative to markers, you can also use acrylic paint.
Finalize the Barbie's style with accessories for her theme. Examples would be a parasol for a geisha, which could be a drink umbrella, or miniature products you might find at a craft store such as little magazines, soda bottles or furniture. Accessories also can be taken from other dolls or even action figures.