Things You'll Need
Familiarize yourself with the current Barbie doll market prices. Knowing how much a certain Barbie is worth is very important. Say you see a few Madame Alexander dolls for sale at a yard sale for $20 each. You think that's expensive for a few old Barbie dolls but little did you know that they are both worth $100.(Prices not accurate)
A great place to do this is on Ebay. You can view real time bids, and final sale prices that Barbie dolls are going for on today's markets. This is more important if you are looking to buy more valuable say vintage collectible Barbie dolls or items of that nature.
Browse your local garage sales. These can be the some of the best places to get old vintage and sometimes very valuable Barbie dolls for cheap. Almost every little girl owned a Barbie house or doll at some point of time in their life. After they grow out of them they usually sit in a box for a while than eventually get sold for pennies on the dollar. Keep an eye out around your neighborhood and in your paper for local yard sales.
Place a wanted add on Craigslist for old Barbie dolls. You have to post an add usually because no one normally places ads for Barbie dolls for sale due to their relatively low assumed value.
Shop at you local thrift stores as well as the Goodwill. Many people donate old toys along with their old clothes. There is a thrift store behind my old work that use to have huge bins of old toys. Dozens of Barbie and Ken dolls were in there and no one ever seemed to buy them.