Barbie has undergone several changes in her basic appearance over the years, including a repositioning of her eyes so they looked forward in the 1970s and an expanded waist size in the early 2000s.
Working Girl
Barbie has undergone a plethora of career changes over the years. She has been an astronaut, firefighter, paleontologist, Olympic athlete, rock star, doctor, nurse, dentist and McDonald`s employee, among others.
Blonde Ambition
Mattell announced that a new Barbie doll model was running for president in the 1992, 2000 and 2004 elections.
Nationality Variations
Barbies of other nationalities have been sold, among them Asian, Native American and Hispanic variations, although they were essentially the same as the original.
International Collection
In an attempt to reflect different cultures via the dolls, the 1980 International Collection had Barbies representing nations in approximations of their traditional dress.