The Craft Store
Craft stores are a good first stop to look for Barbie furniture if you're not particularly handy yourself. Craft stores almost always sell furniture that will fit your child's Barbie dolls. Bigger stores might carry other things your child's Barbies can play in such as toy cars that will fit Barbies. Some craft stores will also sell kits with step-by-step instructions on how to make wooden doll furniture. You can also visit specialty doll stores, as these will often have accessories, including clothes and furniture, that fit Barbie.
The Mac-' N-Cheese Sofa
Take two mac-'n-cheese boxes and glue them in an L-shape, so that one is flat on the floor and one is on its side. Glue them together and cover with fabric by using super glue or a glue gun. This makes a perfect sized Barbie couch, ideal for Barbie and Ken lounging time.
The Box Bed
Find a small cardboard box, about 10 to 12 inches long and 6 to 8 inches wide. Close the box and tape it shut. Cut an old sheet to cover the box and use a glue gun to attach it. You can purchase a Barbie blanket, or cut up an old blanket to cover Ms. Barbie up for the night.
The Barbie Television
Take an old paper jewelry box and cut out a square hole about 3 to 4 inches wide and long in the top portion of the box. Cover the entire thing with black construction paper. Place in the Barbie house and voila, a Barbie TV. Barbie and Ken can relax on their mac-'n-cheese couch while taking in their favorite movie or TV show.
Get Creative with Polymer Clay
Polymer clay is clay that can be baked to harden and then painted. Purchased at any craft store, you can use this for Barbie dishes and fake food. With your child, make cups, flat dishware and tiny spoons and knives. Put them in the oven until they harden and then paint them with craft paint. This activity is probably best suited to children who are a little older, as these very small objects tend to be a choking hazard.
Rugs, Wallpaper and Other Accent Pieces
Go to wallpaper or home accessory stores and ask if they have any old samples of rugs or wallpaper. This can be used for your child's Barbie home. In addition, you can always salvage excess pieces of rug, old material or old patterned clothing to use as Barbie rugs, wallpaper, tapestries, blankets and pictures. The possibilities are endless.