Consider your budget when choosing a recumbent trike. There are different price ranges, depending on the styles and features. Recumbent trikes are generally pricier than regular bicycles.
Decide what type of wheelbase you would prefer. Short wheelbase bikes (SWB) have a higher crankset, which allows the rider to be in a more powerful position when pedaling. Short wheelbase bikes are also lightweight and are more suitable for people with longer legs. Long wheelbase bikes (LWB) make it easier for a rider with shorter legs to place his feet on the ground when the recumbent trike stops.
Look at the wheel size when choosing a recumbent trike. A recumbent trike that has a 20-inch front wheel and a 26-inch rear wheels allow the trike to ride more smoothly and have better gearing.
Consider your riding style. You might want to choose a highracer design recumbent trike if you will be riding in areas where there is high traffic. A lowracer design is best if you are a fast rider and will not be riding in high traffic.