Find a smooth blacktop surface, preferably one that's been recently paved so that it doesn't have the holes and cracks that will prevent you from drifting. Put some slick tires on your bike and wipe them down with some water to make sure that they're clean.
Change your bike's gear to a relatively low one, but not the lowest. Take a look around to make sure you're not in the way of any traffic, pedestrians or other bikers.
Start pedaling so the bike gets to a moderate speed. When you get to a clearing where you have plenty of space to do the brakeless drifting, turn into the drift and starting pedaling hard and fast.
Lean all your weight onto the handlebars by bending at the waist and bringing your chest onto the handlebars. Turn into the drift and pedal as hard and fast as you can. When you feel the back wheel start to slide out under you don't resist it but instead continue to pedal hard and fast so that the bike continues to drift.
Ease up on the handlebars slightly and then pump your body forward back onto them to replace the effect that the brakes would have on the bike. Do this periodically to add some thrust to the drift while keeping the front wheel pinned to the ground.