Decide what kind of seat you want for your unicycle. A quick release seat allows you to raise and lower the seat quickly without any tools. A regular seat requires a wrench.
Determine the size seat pole you want for your unicycle. They come in a variety of diameters and lengths.
Use a suzue wheel kit for the wheel assembly of the unicycle. These come in many different styles from basic to advanced for every level of unicyclist.
Remove all the parts from their packaging and begin by assembling the wheel kit. Attach the cranks and the hub to the wheel using the appropriate size wrench for optimum torque.
Align the wheel and bearings onto the unicycle frame.
Place the bearing caps on the bearings. Insert the bearing bolts through the bearing mounts and bearing caps and secure with washers and nuts.
Insert the seat with the seat post attached into the unicycle frame and secure with the quick release lever or tighten with a wrench depending on the seat style.