Find a good source of parts for your vintage bike. Check online as well as at nearby shops, swap meets and garage sales. Buying another bicycle to break down for parts, is a great way to simplify the search for what you will need.
Know the specs for your vintage bike when purchasing parts. Measure the seat post diameter, outside seat tube diameter, stem diameter (and whether it uses quill-type stems or threadless stems), headseat diameter, rear dropout spacing and frame size.
Check the frame for rust before you start your restoration project. Remove the bottom bracket and inspect the shell and tubes. Steel frames do not degrade through regular use or age. However, you take a steel bicycle out in the rain or store it outside, rust can form on the inside surfaces. Some rust is normal, but significant rust can cause pitting problems.
Protect your vintage bike from future rust. Coat the inside of the tubes with a rustproofing spray. Continue rust prevention by periodically coating the tubes with a penetrating oil.
Research the details of your vintage bike model, when applying the finishing touches to your restoration. Many vintage paint colors are still available, but make sure that they don't contain lead and other chemicals, which are now illegal to use in some places.