Things You'll Need
Apply the grip tape. Once the grip tape is fully applied, smooth it out and remove any air bubbles.
Use a file to go around the board and make a guide mark for trimming the excess grip tape. Take your utility knife or razor blade and trim off the extra tape.
Poke a hole in the grip tape from the under side of the board to accommodate the trucks bolts' you will be installing.
Determine if your bolt set has two silver bolts with the rest being black. If so, place these two bolts in the extreme front holes of the deck, as this indicates the front of the board. You may place the rest of your bolts as usual.
Attach your trucks to the back of the deck, then attach your risers, if you have them. Place the back of the bolts on and tighten with your socket wrench. Remember that when you are bolting the trucks, the kingpin faces the inside of the board. Repeat this process for applying the rear trucks.
Remove the nuts from the sides of the trucks and place your wheels on.
Replace your bolts and washers, if you have any. Tighten them with your wrench.