The "Naruto" series of books and cartoons follows the adventures of Naruto Ozumaki, a young boy who had the spirit of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox placed inside him. Naruto wants to be the best ninja and travels across the world helping those in need and accomplishing various goals. The Atasuki organization wants to trap all of the nine-tailed demons, including the one inside Naruto, and create an illusion capable of controlling the world's population.
Anime Weapon Pouch
The Naruto pouch, as used in the series, is a pouch containing ninja weapons, such as shurikans and kunais. The primary characters use the bags to fight evil. The Naruto pouch is a piece of standard equipment for a ninja to carry small weapons while traveling.
Cosplay Pouch
Cosplay is the popular pastime of dressing up as various characters from an anime series or movie for conventions and other events. Often, these costumes are elaborate and mimic the costume and equipment from the anime series. The Naruto pouch is an actual bag created or purchased for the purpose of mimicking the pouches worn by the characters.
Naruto Merchandise
A Naruto pouch also means any pouch created by toy and clothing manufacturers that contains the Naruto image or graphics. It doesn't have to be a weapons pouch, but simply a wearable pouch used as a fashion accessory. Parents and children can find these pouches in department stores and toy stores.