Things You'll Need
Choose the figure you wish to play against your opponent.
Review your figure's stat card for its offensive statistics. The "Attack Options" section lists the types of attacks that your figure can make as well as how much damage each attack will do. The "Abilities" section lists any abilities that the figure has at all times.
Review the stat card for your figure's defensive characteristics. The "HP" box lists the figure's hit points, which represents the amount of damage the figure can take before it is destroyed. The "Speed" box lists how far the figure can move. The "AC" box lists the figure's armor class, which represents how well the figure is defended by its armor, hide, shield or protective spells.
Fold the battle map in half and choose which half you wish to play. Place your figures on the "X" and "O" marked on the map. These are the starting points you will use in this initial skirmish.
Roll an initiative check using the d20 and compare your roll to your opponent's role. Whoever gets the highest roll gets to choose who moves first. If the rolls are a tie, roll again. The initiative roll is the beginning of a round, which is a single series of actions for both figures. For the purpose of these instructions, assume you won the initiative roll.
Move your figure toward the enemy figure. You can move a number of squares less than or equal to the number in the "Speed" box on your character's stat card. As long as you move less than or equal to your Speed rating, you can attack in the same round.
Choose an attack action from your figure's stat card. Some attacks have special conditions, such as requiring the enemy to be under a certain number of hit points or affected by a spell. You cannot use an attack with special conditions if the conditions have not been met.
Roll the d20 to attack. If your figure's stat card has a bonus to attack, it will be listed with a "+" sign. Add this number to your die roll.
Compare your die roll to your enemy's AC number. If the total is equal to or higher than the enemy's AC, the attack hits.
Look at the damage number listed next to the attack type on your stat card. Subtract this number from your enemy's hit points. Use the damage counters to keep track. If the enemy's HP drops to zero or less, the enemy is destroyed. If your enemy is not destroyed, it is your opponent's turn to go next.
Begin the next round with another initiative roll. Continue the combat until one figure's HP drops to zero or less.