Things You'll Need
Inflate balloon and tie the balloon closed. Tape the bottom of the balloon using masking tape so that it sits inside the the jar lid like a stand. This will form the round shape of the BAPE daruma-style doll.
Prepare the paper mache mixture. Measure with a ruler and mark strips of paper approximately 12 inches long. Cut enough paper to make several layers of paper mache to cover the entire balloon and jar cap.
Build a round area on front where the face will be with paper mache to make a monkey-like snout for the nose and mouth. Refer to the articles listed in the "Resource" section of this articles for side views of the BAPE doll.
Remove any lumps or rough edges with fine grade sandpaper when completely dry.. The surface of the BAPE doll must be smooth. Brush away any paper mache sandpaper dust before proceeding.
Paint the entire doll with white acrylic paint as a base coat. Allow to dry before applying details.
Paint the BAPE doll either in style of Baby Milo, which is brown and tan with black accents and white eyes. There is another version of the BAPE doll which is red with a pale pink face. This version also uses black for the nose and the mouth and white for the eyes. Refer to the pictures in the "Resource" section of this article for specific facial details.