Alien Tranformation
When Ben originally got the omnitrix, he was able to transform into 10 different aliens, including Fourarms, Diamondhead and XLR8. Ben names each alien based on its physical appearance or abilities. The trick of transforming into an alien starts with turning the omnitrix bevel, which shows a hologram image of the alien. When it is set for the alien of choice, Ben presses down on the bevel activating a sequence that transforms his DNA into the alien. Alien transformation lasts a few minutes before he transforms back to himself. Over the years, Ben has been able to activate more alien DNA, allowing him to transform into thousands of intergalactic life forms.
Scanning DNA
One of the reasons Ben is able to transform to more aliens is he learns to use the watch to scan life form DNA. The watch serves as a complex filing system, tracking the DNA of every life form known in the galaxy. Ben is able to scan DNA by using voice commands to scan, search and transform. Each alien species he scans has different abilities and is able to help him fight a variety of alien opposition under different circumstances.
Healing Life Forms
One of the major tricks of the omnitrix that Ben has learned over the seasons is that he can use the device to heal other life forms. This is an advanced trick that Ben uses to save Earth from destruction by a group of aliens called the DNAliens. In a long battle in which Ben is finally able to infiltrate the DNAlien leader's ship, he realizes that the goal of the DNAliens is to use Earth's resources to repopulate their entire genetically damaged population. Ben is able to command the omnitrix to restore the entire population back to health, sending a power wave through the universe to get to every DNAlien.
Track "Plumbers"
For a long time Ben thought that it was fate that he found the omnitrix. The reality was that it was sent to his grandfather Max, who was once an intergalactic crime fighter, known as a "Plumber." Ben found the watch that was intended to reach his grandfather for safekeeping. As Ben grows into a teenager, travels and fights more aliens, he finds a group of kids who are the children of other plumbers. Many of these kids are mixed with alien DNA, having special abilities like many of the aliens Ben transforms into. Each plumber was given a "plumbers badge," which has been passed on to these kids. Ben has the ability to locate any of these kids through their plumbers badge like an intergalactic GPS system.