Navigate to the U.B. Funkeys website, which is The original website no longer works. You can also access the Portuguese site at
Click the tab at the top of the page that reads "La communaute Funkeys."
Click any color under the heading that reads "Découvre à quel Funkey tu ressembles!," which loosely translates to "Discover which Funkey is most like you!" This will open an interactive test that lets you use your personality traits to create your own U.B. Funkey.
Click "Pret?" to start. Then click "C'est Parti" when it appears. Select your favorite color. "Bleu" means blue, "violet" means purple, "rouge" is red, "vert" is green, "noir" is black and "jaune" is yellow.
Click your favorite type of music, each of which appear in English.
Click your favorite sport from the supplied list. Most have English interpretations, but "natation" means swimming, "arts martiaux" is martial arts and "cyclisme" is cycling.
Click your dream job. From left to right, you can choose astronaut, comedian, race car driver, rock star, doctor or chef.
Click to select your favorite type of food from the list. From left to right, you can choose sandwich, Italian, Chinese, hamburgers, pizza or salad.
Click your favorite subject in school. From left to right, you can choose math, gym, science, French, art or history.
Click your favorite animal from the list. From left to right, you can choose fish, horse, dog, rabbit, cat or lizard.
Click your favorite way to spend your spare time. From left to right, you can choose hanging out with your friends, going shopping, playing an instrument, watching TV, playing sports or going to the movies.
Wait for the tool to calculate your own U.B. Funkey based on your personality traits. You can view your U.B. Funkey and its personality and even take the test again.