Things You'll Need
Cooked Play Dough
Combine the corn starch and baking soda in a saucepan. Add the water slowly while stirring with a wooden spoon.
Add the food coloring and stir. Cook the mixture over medium heat until it resembles mashed potatoes. Transfer the play dough to a plate and cover with a damp cloth while it cools.
Add salt to the clay if you don't want your children to eat it. If you don't mind them eating it, you can sweeten the deal by adding powdered soft drink mixture. They clay will dry out so, if you wish to keep it, you must store it in the fridge in a sealable plastic bag.
Uncooked Play Dough
Mix the flour and water until they form a lump-free dough. Add food coloring and knead well.
Add salt if you don't want your children to eat it, or powdered soft drink mixture if you do. You can also add Jello powder to flavor the dough.
Leave this dough to dry or bake it at 100 degrees Fahrenheit if you want to keep your little crafter's creations.