Press the navigation buttons on the front of the Tamagotchi toy to navigate to the "food" icon on the screen.
Select the "food" icon by pressing the button in the center of the toy. Select a nutritional meal to feed your pet and then press the center button again. Continue feeding your pet regularly when he indicates hunger. Feeding your pet is an important step to help him grow to full size.
Select the "sleep" icon by navigating with the left and right buttons and pressing the button in the center of the toy. Put your toy to sleep every night when he indicates he is tired. Rest is important for the overall health and growth of your Tamagotchi.
Select the "health" icon by navigating with the left and right buttons and pressing the button in the center of the toy. When the assistance icon appears on the Tamagotchi's screen your pet will need medical assistance. Navigate to the health screen and determine what the pet needs to help it grow up strong and healthy.