Things You'll Need
Lay out all the individual pieces so you can easily view their identification stickers. Each piece has a label with a corresponding letter that identifies it during the assembly process.
Lay parts "I" and "J," which are two flat, rectangular boards, on the floor with the holes facing up. Locate the long, rectangular part "L" and lay it down so the ends line up with the holes in "I" and "J."
Pull out the two, smaller rectangles marked "M." Align these with the holes in the side of part "L," one on each end. The "M" pieces sit perpendicular to the "L" board. Pull out part "K," which is slightly longer than the "L" board. Place "K" on the other side of the "M" boards. "L" and "K" sit parallel to each other with the "M" boards connecting the two pieces.
Take out 12 "S" screws. Place four screws each in the "L" and "K" boards, two screws at each end. Place two screws each in the "M" boards. The "M" board has three holes in a line; place the screws in the two outer holes and leave the inner hole empty. Tighten all the screws.
Find the two L-shaped parts labeled "H." These are the legs of the table. Place one on the end of the "I" board and one on the end of the "J" board. Attach the "H" board using two "V" screws; these are the smallest screws in the set. You have now put together one side of the table. Repeat Steps 2 through 5 to build the opposite side the same way.
Connect the two "O" boards with the "P" board. Hold the "O" boards upright and parallel to one another. Place the "P" board between and perpendicular to the "O" boards so the assembly looks like a large "H." Slide four "U" cylinders in the holes in the side of the "P" board. Attach each "O" board to each "P" board with two "R" screws. This assembly holds the Imaginarium drawers.
Set the two sides of the table that you built in Steps 2 through 5 upright. It helps to have a friend assist you. Hold the two pieces parallel to each other and set the drawer assembly between the table sides. The "P" board should be parallel to the sides of the train table.
Attach the drawer assembly to the sides of the table with eight "V" screws. Attach a "Q" board to each of the open ends of the table with eight "V" screws.
Set the table aside to assemble the drawers. Place the "F" board on the floor and hold the "B" board with the drawer handle at a 90-degree angle to the "F" board. To the right of the "B" board, place a "C" board. Place an "E" board across from the "B" board and fill in the empty side with a "D" board. Attach the "B" board to the "F," "C" and "D" boards with six "T" screws. Slide two cylinders in the holes on the end of the "E" board and attach the "E" board to the "C" board with four "R" screws.
Assemble the second drawer in the same manner. Slide the drawers into the table. Place the two "G" boards over the top of the table.