Refer to your Furby manual to locate the sensors. The sensor lets the Furby know when someone is trying to interact with it. Most Furby models will have sensors slightly above the eyes, on the tail, and in the chest area. You will only be able to teach words to your Furby once you have come in range with one of the sensors.
Interact with your Furby. Furbies have a unique program installed, which allows them to know how long they have been actively played with. The more you play with it and speak its language, Furbish, and English, the more words it will learn.
Learn Furbish using the dictionary that is supplied in your Furby kit or found online.
Repeat the words over and over again. Much like learning a new language, repetition is important to reinforce the use of the words and the meaning.
Encourage and show praise to your Furby by petting it or stroking its back. The sensors on its head and tail will acknowledge your behavior and encourage the Furby to learn words quicker and retain them.