Memory Games
Begin developing a 3-year-old's short-term memory with a couple memory board games. These are made in a wide variety of popular character wooden tiles and cards.
Play Dough
Play dough or any similar modeling clay is perfect for a 3-year-old because it's fun to play with and works on a toddler's coordination. The imagination is also stretched as a toddler works on creating what is in his mind. Look for play dough that is nontoxic in case he puts it in his mouth.
Role-Play Toys
Role-play toys involve those in which children pretend to be someone or take on a specific role, such as pretending to be a cop, doctor or playing in a kitchen. Gardening sets, a doctor's kit, a play kitchen or a vacuum are all common choices.
Tent or Fort
Tents and forts are fun places for a toddler to escape to. A tent with a tunnel gives kids the option of crawling through a tunnel for added fun. There are forts that hang from the ceiling, pop-up designs and tents that are set over tables so the sides hang down. Choose a fabric design that the 3-year-old in your life will enjoy.
Play Vehicles
At 3 years old a toddler can easily ride a tricycle. Motorized quads, cars and other vehicles are also fun options. Be sure to purchase a helmet and protective gear to keep your toddler safe while riding.