Things You'll Need
Apply paint primer to the terra-cotta pot and saucer with your paint brush. Make sure to cover all surfaces and then allow to air dry. Rinse the paint brush with water to prepare for the next painting session.
Use your paint brush to apply red craft paint to all surfaces. Next, spray the gloss sealer on all surfaces. Let the paint and the gloss sealer air dry.
Turn the pot over so that it is upside down. Add a bead of silicon caulking around the bottom of the ivy bowl. Center the ivy bowl on top of the bottom of the pot. and center it on top of the pot. Ensure the caulking spreads evenly by pressing down on the top of the ivy bowl applying even pressure with your hand. Let the caulking dry completely.
See Resources to print out the front of the gum machine. Use scissors to precisely cut out the picture. Glue the picture to the front of your gum machine with white glue. Allow to air dry.
Add gum by dropping it into the opening of the ivy bowl.
Place the terra-cotta saucer on top of the ivy bowl ensuring the saucer is upside down.