Custom Puzzles
Create a custom puzzle for the kids either by hand or ordering it online. Use a picture of the family, or the kids or something the kids like. Upload the photo to a site like Shutterfly or Snapfish to and order it on a puzzle. Some sites even allow the user to designate a level of difficulty for the puzzle. Another method is to glue the photo down onto cardboard and then cut it into puzzle pieces with an box cutter.
Dress-up Clothes
Head out to thrift stores to find unique dress up clothing for kids at cheap prices. Sort through decades of clothing and costumes to find items for children to use. Instead of looking like all the other kids who bought their costumes from the local toyshop, the kids will have a stylish flair. For extra fun, bring the kids along to the store and get their opinion about what items to purchase.
Handmade Stuffed Animals
Gather up old fabric, stuffing and a sewing machine to stitch together unique toys for the kids. Add to the project by asking the kids to help design the stuffed animals. The project becomes part of the game and the kids end up with stuffed animals they'll never forget.