Jumping Off Things With Hula Hoop
Sometimes people will try to keep a hula hoop around them when they jump off the top of a playscape or some other elevation. This can be dangerous. The ring of the hula hoop can hook onto something nearby. When a hula hoop is used improperly, people can fall and get hooked around the waist or neck. If this occurs, it can bruise throats and break windpipes. Children should be told to always take hula hoops off their bodies and place them onto the ground before climbing down from an elevated area.
Hit with Hoop
Hula hooping at a high speed can cause the hoop to move very fast. If the hula hoop strikes someone in the head at this speed, especially a small child, it can hurt them. The play space should be looked at before hula hooping begins. Is there anything glass or breakable nearby? If yes, move it out of the way. If there are toddlers or small children in the area, they should be looked after to ensure they are not hit by the spinning hoop.
Running with a Hula Hoop
Hula hoops are large and are difficult to run with. This can pose a real danger of people tripping, falling and hurting themselves. When running with a hula hoop around their waists, people often hold it so it doesn't trip them up. However, if a person trips while doing this, it may be difficult to break a fall. When a person hits the ground they can easily knock their teeth out or hit their heads. If someone is going to run with a hula hoop they should drag it behind or beside them as they run.