Play Refrigerator
Most play kitchens have refrigerators, whose doors open and closes just like a real fridge. Some play fridges even have shelves and drawers so kids can store play food items inside. Most will have a handle for kids to pull to open the door.
There are many brands available when it comes to play refrigerators. Some of the more popular brands have fridges that are easy to clean. The wooden fridges are often painted with a non-lead paint. They may be painted in either primary or pastel colors. To quickly clean them off, you simply swipe them with a wet wipe to disinfect.
Play Stove
You can't have a play kitchen without the stove. Used for cooking play food with pots and pans, play stoves are very popular with little girls. Some play stoves have knobs that turn, stove-top burners for pots and pans to sit on and an oven door to bake make believe desserts. And depending on the brand, the oven may also have a rack to set baking pans on.
Most well-known brands sell kids' play stoves small enough for young children. They are safe and completely durable. Play stoves come in a variety of colors, so finding one that fits in with your room decor should not be a problem.
Play Sink
A play sink is essential in any play kitchen set. You can pretend to wash your play dishes and set them up to dry. Play sinks will include a play faucet that may swivel, the sink, a cupboard underneath and possibly above the sink, as well as a counter top to set play dishes. Remember the sink is not hooked up to water, so there is no mess.
There are many brands that offer very unique play sinks. One brand carries a play sink with a white bowl-shaped sink and a contemporary faucet. There is a shelf underneath the sink with a curtain to pull across. Other popular brands offer regular, old-fashioned plastic play sinks.