Tinker Toy Cat
Find five round connectors, one small cylindrical connector, three yellow rods, two orange rods, two small red rods with a pointed end, and a green windblade.
Attach two round connectors with a yellow rod. Insert the yellow rod into one of the holes on the outer edge of the connectors. This is the body of the cat. Insert a yellow rod into the bottom hole of each connector, creating legs. Attach two round connectors at the center to the bottom of the legs. This creates a stand for the cat.
Attach orange rods to the front and back end of the cat. Connect the rods three holes from the middle rod—the rod that acts as the cat&'s body—at each end. Attach the outside of a round connector to the front orange rod. Insert the two red, pointed rods into opposite sides of the connector. This is the cat&'s head. At the opposite end, attach the cylindrical connector to the orange rod. Place the green wind blade in the slot on the cylindrical connector. This is the cat&'s tail.
Tinker Toy Top
Find five round connectors, five short orange rods and a red, pointed rod.
Attach four orange rods into the outer edge of the round connector. Skip a hole between each rod. Insert the red, pointed rod into the bottom of that connector, on which the top spins.
Insert the final orange rod into the top of the round connector. Use this rod to spin the top.
Tinkertoy Man
Gather three round connectors, three yellow rods and an orange rod.
Insert an orange rod on the outside of a round connector. This creates a head and a neck.
Attach the outside of another round connector to the orange rod. This is the man&'s torso.
Count two holes to the left and right of the torso. Place yellow rods in these holes, forming arms.
Attach the remaining yellow rod to the bottom of the torso, directly under the neck. Place the center of the last round connector on the bottom of this rod. The Tinkertoy man now has a base to stand on.