Things You'll Need
Listening Device
Set the cell phone to the "Auto Answer" setting. Directions for how to do that will be in the user manual that came with your specific brand of cell phone.
Set the ringer to "Mute."
Attach the earbuds to the phone.
Hide the phone in the targeted room where it will not be noticed but it isn't covered. For example, hide it behind a plant or under a side table--not under a couch cushion.
When the targets (the people being spied on) are in the room, call the phone. You should be able to hear the targets when they speak.
Secured Room Invasion Detector
Pluck a few hairs from your head.
Hold the hairs at eye level against the door jam of the room to be secured and close the door. The hairs will remain between the door and the jam.
Check to see the hairs are in place before opening the door to the secured room. If an unauthorized person had entered the room, the hairs will have fallen to the floor.
Secret Message Ink
Pour some lemon juice or milk into a small bowl.
Dip the cotton swab into the liquid and use it to write your secret message on the white paper.
Allow the secret message ink to dry completely. You can use the hair dryer to speed the drying process if desired.
Use an iron to reveal the message. Put the iron on high and run the iron over the paper until the message is revealed. Keep the iron moving and remove it from the paper once the message starts to show to avoid catching the paper on fire.
Counterfeit Bill Detector
Fold a new bill in half by bringing the short sides together.
Open the bill, and place one side on a table. The edge of the other half will be off the table
Run the magnet along the bill's edge. American currency is printed with metallic ink. If the bill sticks to the magnet, it is real. If not, it is counterfeit.
This device can also be used to see if anyone is invading your desk, dresser drawers, clothes closet or diary.