Gather the Materials
To make a homemade kazoo, you need to first gather your materials. For the body of the kazoo, collect a cardboard roll from toilet paper or paper towels. Add to that wax paper, scissors, a hole punch, rubber bands and masking tape.
Prepare the Tube
Measure down from one end of the tube with a ruler and make a mark at 3/4 inch. Make a hole in the tube with a hole punch on the mark.
Assemble the Kazoo
Cut a piece of waxed paper that's large enough to go over the end of the tube. Drape it over the end of the kazoo that has the hole you just made, but don't cover the hole. Secure it with a rubber band.
Play the Kazoo
Blow into the open end of the kazoo and hum as you do so. You can experiment with various sized tubes as well as holes in the kazoo to create different tones and sounds. With the longer kazoos, your voice could sound larger and deeper, like shouting through a bullhorn versus through your cupped hands. Just as an actual orchestra's instruments range in size from a piccolo to the mighty tuba, you could create a kazoo orchestra with kazoos of varying sizes.