Toy Shelves
Toy shelves are a popular storage system because they store toys on shelving along the walls. This frees up important floor space in smaller rooms. Toy shelves also enable children to see the toys when they are on the shelves, so no toys are lost or forgotten about. Many toys can be stored on toy shelves. If there are collections of small toys, they can be stored in bins and the bins placed on the toy shelves.
Another benefit of toy shelves is that clean-up is easy because each toy is simply placed back onto the shelf to put away. To make sure that children are able to independently put toys away, make sure that the shelves are not so high that children cannot reach the top shelves. Also, for safety, make sure that the shelving is anchored to the wall so that shelving will not fall.
Toy Bins
Toy bins and a toy bin organizer are useful for organizing toys into compartments. Typically, toy bins do not have lids so this will enable children easy access to the toys in the bins and will also help facilitate easy clean up. The bins are stored in the organizer, which is a system that holds the bins within easy reach of children. A bin can be removed from the organizer, the toys played with, and then the toys can be replaced and the bin replaced in the organizer to clean up. Toy bins are a good choice for storing collections of small toys.
Toy Boxes
A toy box is similar to a toy bin, but larger. Toy boxes are often decorative, with lids that can also make the toy box into a bench for sitting as well. A toy box can be useful for storing larger toys that might not fit easily into a bin or onto a shelf. One caution about using toy boxes for toy storage is the likelihood that toys will become lost or forgotten at the bottom of the toy box. Also, make sure that the toy box has a safety mechanism on the lid that will prevent accidental pinches and entrapment in the box itself.