Things You'll Need
Slide the wrapping paper or paper towel tube over the handle of the flashlight. Cut the tube to size, also cutting a hole for the light switch. Cover the tube with aluminum foil, cutting away the foil over the hole for the light switch. If desired, decorate the tube with small objects such as buttons, bolts and washers. Place the tube over the flashlight and secure with duct or electrical tape.
Roll the posterboard into a gradual taper, being sure that the wide end will snugly fit over the edge of the flashlight. Cut away the excess posterboard. Flatten the section that you are using, and cut out designs with an Xacto knife. Cut away as much as desired. The light will shine through these holes. When you are finished cutting, re-roll the posterboard and tape with clear tape.
Slip the wide end of the posterboard cone over the flashlight, and tape into place with the electrical or duct tape. If desired, glue buttons and gadgets over the tape to decorate.
Turn the flashlight on to activate the toy light saber. This toy works best in a dimly lit room.