When you wind up your yo-yo, you should start by letting out the entire string. Many people try to wind up a partially wound yo-yo and end up frustrated. After each turn, let the yo-yo all the way out.
Once you have let out the entire string, then hold your hand that has the string attached up above your head so that the yo-yo is dangling off of the floor.
If you notice, the yo-yo will be spinning around from side to side. This is due to the fact that the string has become twisted. If you wind the yo-yo at this point, you will get a snag in the interior of the yo-yo.
Instead of winding immediately, take your other hand and pinch the string between your pointer finger and thumb right about where the string is attached to your finger.
With the string grasped by your pointer finger and thumb, slide your way down the string firmly. You will notice that the yo-yo is spinning faster as you go down. This is because the twists are working their way out of the string.
When you get to the bottom of the string, repeat the same process until the yo-yo no longer spins from side to side. At this point, your yo-yo can be wound up without being twisted. Take special care as you wind it to do so slowly and evenly from side to side. It is easy to overlap a kink in the string if you do it super fast. Take your time.
Finally, keep in mind that your yo-yo will need this procedure every so often to keep it from getting tangled. Tangled yo-yo string leads to broken strings.