Gather cardboard boxes that resemble the shape of toy computer parts. This should include a monitor, keyboard and a tower if necessary. If you have the boxes from your computer lying around, use those.
Paint the boxes in a neutral color such as grey or beige. This will make the child's toy computer more lifelike. If your child is old enough to handle painting, ask him to help you create his new toy computer.
Mark outlines for the keys on the keyboard box using a felt tip marker. Also draw a matte looking frame around the monitor box to create the screen effect. For extra features, create a letter document or a fun picture on the monitor with which to engage your child in pretend play.
Cut rectangular slits in the tower box to allow your child to place an old CD or disk inside of it. You can also cut a small hole, about the size of a nickel, in the tower box and tape a cotton ball on the inside to simulate a power button that your child can press to turn on the toy computer. The cotton ball will give the cushion feeling of actually turning on a computer.
Place the new toy computer on a desk near yours and allow your child to enjoy hours of safe creativity and enjoyment so you can get a little work done yourself.